The UCSF-John Muir Health Jean and Ken Hofmann Cancer Center at the Behring Pavilion is now open. LEARN MORE >
We are aware of the Sierra Club’s denunciation of John Muir, the naturalist, as a racist and the article in today’s Washington Post. As a health system, we strongly condemn all forms of racism. The views of John Muir in no way reflect the mission and values of John Muir Health. We stand for equity, diversity, inclusion, dignity and mutual respect. The selection of the John Muir name was part of an elementary school naming contest when the Walnut Creek Medical Center was being constructed in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Our Board of Directors is appointing a study group to examine the history and legacy of the John Muir name, and to offer recommendations on this complex topic.
As a health system, we have been doing a lot of listening and learning. As part of this process, we will be evaluating all things within John Muir Health that relate to diversity, inclusion and respect, and larger issues such as our leadership role in our communities to help combat racism and health disparities.
Diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism, and reducing health care disparities demand, and will receive, our serious attention. To fulfill our mission and live our values, John Muir Health is committed to ensuring that our physicians, staff, patients and community feel safe, respected and valued so that we all feel we belong.