The UCSF-John Muir Health Jean and Ken Hofmann Cancer Center at the Behring Pavilion is now open. LEARN MORE >
Did you know that chocolate can actually boost your heart health?
When you hit the fridge after rough day, you may be engaged in emotional eating and pay the consequences.
Food-borne illnesses from fruits and veggies have more than doubled over the past 10 years.
Many health-conscious folks advocating superdoses of vitamin, but how much D do you really need?
Eating healthfully can help prevent heart disease, but not everyone’s sure how to get started.
Learn about foods to avoid, as well as those you can enjoy.
Plan ahead so you have nutritious food on hand and can offer two or more daily servings of fruits and veggies in your child's school lunch.
Knowing what you're eating is the first step toward a more nutritious diet.
Did you know that the American Heart Association has lowered its recommended daily sodium intake from 2,000 mg to 1,500 mg?
Not all fats are created equal. Learn about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
These simple ideas can make your food work better for you.
Lay the groundwork for long-term, healthy weight loss.
Finding high-fiber foods you enjoy is a key to long-term health.
Whether you want to commune with nature or get a healthy dose of retail therapy at the mall, the following winter walks are a fun way to get and stay fit.
You really can beat the urge to pack on the pounds this winter, here’s how.