UCSF-John Muir Health Jean and Ken Hofmann Cancer Center at the Behring Pavilion
177 La Casa Via, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone: (925) 692-5600
Building Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Registration Desk: Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
The Behring Pavilion is home to our UCSF-John Muir Health Jean and Ken Hofmann Cancer Center. Our state-of-the-art facility brings cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care coordination into a single location—in a space that is calm, inviting and focused on healing.
Patients benefit from the combined expertise of top cancer specialists from John Muir Health and UCSF Health, including access to the latest treatment advances—right here, close to home in Contra Costa County.
The Behring Pavilion also serves patients with complex, chronic and non-cancer conditions, such as Multiple Sclerosis and Crohn’s disease.
On-Site Services
- Medical Oncology / Hematology
- LabCorp Lab Services (First Floor)
- Pavilion Pharmacy (Second Floor)
- Oncology Lab Services (Third Floor)
- Dietary Consultation
- Social Services
- Clinical Cancer Research
Café Mocha Mocha
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: Second Floor
Parking Information
Convenient patient drop-off locations are available at the entrances to the Behring Pavilion on the first and second floors.
Parking is available in the parking lot adjacent to the building and in the nearby parking garage.
For emergency services, please go to your nearest dedicated emergency department or call 911.
For non-emergency medical conditions requiring a same day or next day appointment, please visit one of our five convenient urgent care locations.

The Behring Pavilion earned the prestigious Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification for Building Design and Construction (BD+C), demonstrating our commitment to meeting rigorous sustainability standards for energy efficiency, water conservation and carbon emissions. Learn more.
Provider Directory
Breast Surgery
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Gynecologic Oncology
Head & Neck Surgery
Hematology/Medical Oncology
Abinav Baweja, MD
Sarah Buenviaje, NP
Walailuk Chaiyarat, MD
Shannon Chakedis, NP
Gigi Chen, MD
Aditi Choudhry, MD
Mary Angelyn Clark, NP
Erin Esaki, PA
Whitney Hoang, NP
Yelena Krupitskaya, MD
Lesley Martin, MD
Elizabeth Odumakinde, MD
Ronak Patel, MD
Kanwaldeep Rasila, MD
Robert Robles, MD
Tiffany Svahn, MD
Tianyi Tang, MD